Put to the Question

Answer or go on the Rack!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

#3 Prenuptial

The question, my friends, is simple: if/when you get married, (or if you are currently married, in your next marriage, or, if you want to pretend you're going to stay married to whats-his-name, if you had to get married again), would you want a pre-nup?

Why or why not?

Answer the Question or you'll be PUT TO THE QUESTION!
Hyperion, 6:52 AM


Absolutely. Since it would be-- theoretically, mind you--my second, and second marriages fail at a higher rate than firsties.
Anonymous Anonymous, at April 2, 2008 at 10:24 AM  
But here's my question for you: does setting up a "pre-nup" put a strike against the marriage's success before it even starts?
Blogger Hyperion, at April 3, 2008 at 8:50 AM  
I would not get a prenup, because my track record seems to be that my last 2 wives make more than me. The duck is no fool
Blogger Sparky Duck, at April 3, 2008 at 10:37 PM  

My spouse and I began planning our wedding as a joke, and it just kind of "happened anyway".

I'm not kidding.

If I don't TRUST you, I will probably not LIKE You. If I don't LIKE you, I probably won't even CONSIDER marrying you.

Plus love, trust...and all that crap.
Blogger rennratt, at May 4, 2008 at 6:22 PM  

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